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- TD-101 - Gas Space Convection Effects on U-values in Insulating Glass Units (IGUs)
This document discusses how U-value changes as air/gas space thickness changes in an insulating unit, and the effects of different gas types on IG unit insulating value. - TD-102 - Outdoor Condensation on Glass
A discussion of why condensation sometimes occurs on outdoor glass surfaces. - TD-103 - Capillary Breather Tubes in Insulating Glass Units
A discussion of breather tube usage in insulating glass units. - TD-104 - Coatings on Starphire® Glass
A discussion of coatings on Starphire® glass by Vitro Glass, and how to identify which surface of the glass was exposed to the tin bath during glass making.
- TD-105 - How to Prevent Glass Corrosion
This document discusses the chemical mechanisms causing glass corrosion and the conditions under which it can exist, plus interleaving systems and restoration of lightly corroded glass. - TD-106 - Glass Reactivity and its Potential Impact on Coating Processes
Discussion of glass corrosion in glass racks and cases, damaging effects of glass fines, and hard water silicates and their effect on glass coating operations.
- TD-107 - Residue on Glass
A discussion of how residues may deposit on exterior glass surfaces, and methods of removal. - TD-108 - Pyrolytic Low-E Coated Glasses (Sungate® 500 and 600) – Commercial Design Considerations
Discussion of potential design issues, including inherent color variation and use in coating-exposed applications for pyrolytic low-e coatings. Includes heat-treatment guidelines. - TD-109: Thermal Stress Update
Discussion of thermal stress issues with glass, includes a procedure for doing a thermal stress analysis with resulting glass recommendations. - TD-110 - Glass Breakage – Failure Mode and Stress Estimation
A discussion of locating the glass breakage origin, failure mode and associated stresses. - TD-112 - Handling Dos and Don'ts to Reduce Glass Breakage
A discussion of things to do and not do when storing and fabricating glass. - TD-113 - Why Annealed, Heat Strengthened and Tempered Glass All Deflect the Same Amount
A discussion of the stiffness of glass and the deflection characteristics of annealed, heat strengthened, and tempered glass. - TD-114 - Recommendations for Fully Tempered Interior Butt-Glazed Fixed Glass Panels
Design recommendations for fully tempered butt-glazed fixed glass panels. Size, height, and deflection guidelines.
- TD-115 - Strain Pattern in Tempered and Heat Strengthened Glass
A discussion of visual strain patterns in tempered and heat-strengthened glass, and how and why they occur
- TD-116 - Observation Room Windows
A discussion of lighting levels and glass selection for observation room windows.
- TD-117 - Cutting Wheel Selection For Conventional Glass Cutting
This TD has been removed and the information has been combined into TD-119. - TD-118 - Interference Fringes In Insulating Glass Units
A discussion and explanation of the phenomenon of interference fringes in insulating glass units.
- TD-119 - Guidelines for Glass Scoring and Breakout Quality
A review of cut edge quality characteristics, their effect on glass strength and information on selecting cutting wheel size and edge angle combinations to help achieve better cut edge quality in conventional glass cutting operations. - TD-120 - Flat Glass Trade Thicknesses and Weights
Table of thicknesses and thickness ranges and corresponding weights for flat glass.
- TD-121 - Center of Glass U-Values for Double and Triple Glazed Insulating Glass Units with Solarban® 60 Low-e Glass with 100% Air, Argon, or Krypton, or Mixtures of These Gases
This technical document shows how U-values vary in double glazed and triple glazed insulating glass units using Solarban® 60 low-e glass.
- TD-122 - Surface Orientation of Low Light Transmittance Glasses
Discusses the importance of consistent surface orientation when fabricating and glazing low light transmittance glasses, such as Graylite® II glass.
- TD-123 - Turtle Glass
Discusses the marine turtle protection ordinance and glass products that meet the requirements of the ordinance. - TD-124 - Fabrication of Heat Treated Glass
Vitro's recommendations concerning further fabrication of heat strengthened and tempered glass. - TD-125 - Sandblasting of Tempered Glass
Discucssion of the effect of sandblasting on tempered glass. Includes Vitro Glass's recommendation that sandblasting be done before tempering. - TD-126 - Argonomics
Discussion of the benefits of using Argon in insulating glass units. Describes the importance of good unit design and workmanship in retaining the argon in the unit. - TD-127 - V-Grooving
Discusses strength of V-grooved glass, compares glass that is tempered then grooved vs. glass that is grooved then tempered. - TD-128 - Laminated Glass - Thermal and Optical Properties
Offers performance tables for selected laminated Vitro Glass products - TD-129 - Temporary Protective Overcoat
Discusses the proper handling, washing and disposal of the TPO overcoat. Presents Health & Safety Issues and Environmental Practices. Offers graphs pertaining to % by weight of TPO dissolved in rinse tank and detergent tank. - TD-130 - Insulating Glass U-values In Sloped Glazing Applications
This document shows how U-values change as the slope of the glazing system changes.
- TD-131 - Design Conditions with Low-E Coated Glass
Discusses the need to evaluate the effect of building materials on each other. - TD-132 - The Difference Between Structural Silicone Glazing and Butt Joint Glazing
Discusses the difference between Structural Silicone Glazing and Butt Joint Glazing. - TD-133 - Condensation on Indoor Glass Surface
Discusses the factors that influence the formation of condensation on the indoor glass surface. References test methods to determine the AAMA CRF and NFRC CR. Includes graphs to assist in preliminary product selection.
- TD-134 - Designing Glass to Resist Wind and Snow Loads
Describes ASTM E1300-02 procedures for determining the load resistance of glass under uniform lateral wind and snow loads. Presents a detailed example. Also, references available software based on ASTM E1300-02. - TD-135 - Glass Acoustical Performance
Discusses the acoustical properties of glass, methods of rating, such as STC and OITC, applicable standards and the relationship between glass and other glazing components in determining an overall rating. - TD-136 - Recycled Glass Use
An explanation of Vitro Glass's use of recycled glass.
- TD-138 - Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing
Discussion of the appropriate use of heat strengthened and tempered glass, including the occurence of spontaneous breakage. Discusses the use of heat soaking of tempered glass. Offers Vitro's recommendations. - TD-139 - Field Application of Materials to Glass
Reaffirmation of Vitro Glass's policy regarding the field application of materials to glass. - TD-140 - Large Insulating Glass Units - Design Considerations
Discusses issues and design considerations related to the fabrication, installation and performance of large insulating glass units. - TD-141 - Edge Deletion of Vitro Coated Glass
A discussion of Vitro Glass's recommendations concerning the edge deletion of its MSVD low-e coated glass. The document discusses Vitro Glass's non-deletion policy requirements. Also a discussion of Environmental Health and Safety is included. - TD-142 - Glass Cleaning Recommendations
Recommended cleaning practices for Vitro Glass products, including Solarcool® coated glass.
- TD-143 - Ingredient Disclosure, MSDS Retrieval and Regulatory Compliance with Conflict Minerals, EU RoHS and REACH Directives
Contains information on Vitro Glass’s response to customer requests for Ingredient Disclosure: Material Safety Data Sheets, (SDS), Compliance with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Conflict Minerals), European Union, (EU) Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, (RoHS) Directive, The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Prop 65), Buy America Regulation (49CFR661) and the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) regulation concerning Vitro Glass Products.
- TD-144 - Recommended Techniques for Washing Glass
Discusses procedures and recommendations for cleaning glass using machine washing techniques. Also, describes different types of glass contamination and remedies. - TD-145 - Spandrel Glass - Types and Recommendations
Discusses alternatives for glass spandrels, including monolithic, insulating glass unit, and shadow box types. Includes descriptions of the three basic types, sketches, and a discussion of potential issues with the shadow box concept. - TD-146 - Approved Sealants for use with Vitro coated glass products in non-deleted applications
A list of approved Sealants that can be used with non-deleted MSVD coated glass. This only applies to IG assemblies for non-Commercial use. - TD-147 - Compatible Gloves for use with Vitro Glass's MSVD Sungate® and Solarban® Coated Glass Products
A list of compatible gloves for use while handling MSVD coated glass products.
- TD-148 - Reducing Fading Caused By Solar Radiation Exposure
Describes different measures of fading potential and explains why the traditional focus on UV transmittance may not be the best indicator of protection against interior solar damage. - TD-149 - Acceptable Cutting Fluids and Detergents for use with Vitro Glass's MSVD Sungate® and Solarban® Coated Glass Products
A list of acceptable cutting fluids and detergents for use while fabricating MSVD coated glass products.
UPDATED - TD-150 - Interior Exposed SungateThermL™ Coated Glasses Improved Energy Efficiency Applications
SungateThermL™ coated glasses are low-e glasses manufactured using a MSVD ITO deposition process, a standard technology from Vitro which has been successfully used within the glass and glazing industry for more than 30 years.
- TD-151 - Radio and Microwave Attenuation in Glass
This document describes the best window constructions using silver based, low-e coatings for blocking certain radio frequencies and ways to avoid the blocking characteristics when these low-e’s are desired for thermal performance, but security of airwave transmission in not a concern. Testing results are displayed showing the attenuation performance of various window constructions as well as the thermal performance of each. - TD-152 - Temporary Protective Film Fabrication Guidelines
This document provides general & specific guidelines regarding the fabrication of flat glass that has a temporary protective plastic thin film applied to the surface. - TD-153 - Platia® Mirror Fabrication and Installation Guidelines & Compatible Materials
This document provides general guidelines and compatible materials that can be used for the fabrication and installation of a Platia® mirror.
- TD-154 - Decontaminating Glass Surfaces
The unique characteristics and properties of glass make it an excellent material choice to use in many scenarios where easy to clean surfaces and/or physical separation is required. This document offers suggested methods for cleaning and sanitizing glass surfaces with non-abrasive cleaners including many anti-bacterial cleaners. - TD-155 - Solarban® Solar Control Low‐E Glass Color Uniformity
The purpose of this technical document is to describe the basics of color and how it relates to various glazing types and applications in the commercial building design, fabrication and installation process. The information outlines Vitro Flat Glass recommendations for glazing color uniformity based on the ASTM C1376 Standard. - TD-156 EcoArmor™ Protective Coating
This document explains the EcoArmor™ Protective Topcoat and is intended to provide guidelines for the glass fabricator to successfully process Solarban® Temperable Low-e coated glass with EcoArmor™ Protective Topcoat.
- TD-158 - Bird-Friendly Glass
Bird collisions with glass are a significant environmental issue, causing millions of bird deaths annually. This document outlines the technologies, design principles and benefits of bird-friendly glass.
Vitro Glass Education Center
The Vitro Glass Education Center features short videos, illustrations and articles that address key challenges when designing with glass.