Vitro Architectural Glass

Credit Category: Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

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LEED Credit: Thermal Comfort

LEED Points: Possible 1 point

Applicable Requirements: Thermal Comfort Design – ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 (Option 1) or ISO and CEN Standards (Option 2)

Vitro Solutions

Use Solarban® solar control low-e, Sungate® passive low-e, performance-tinted and reflective glasses to enhance the comfort of building occupants and/or improve the energy efficiency of buildings by blocking solar heat in the summer or trapping furnace heat in the winter. High-performance glazing may reduce heating and cooling load handled by HVAC equipment.


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LEED Credit: Daylight

LEED Points: Possible 3 points

Applicable Requirement: Provide manual or automatic (with manual override) glare-control devices for all regularly occupied spaces Simulation: Spatial Daylight Autonomy and Annual Sunlight Exposure (Option 1), Simulation: Illuminance Calculations (Option 2) or Measurement (Option 3).

Vitro Solutions

For sustainable building projects, choose a glass type that permits the greatest amount of natural light while limiting the thermal effects of infrared energy and solar heat gain.

Low-E Glasses


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LEED Credit: Quality Views

LEED Points: Possible 1 point

Applicable Requirements: Achieve a direct line of sight to the outdoors via vision glazing for 75 percent of all regularly occupied floor area. View glazing in the contributing area must provide a clear image of the exterior, not obstructed by frits, fibers, patterned glazing or added tints that distort color balance.

Vitro Solutions

Use Vitro Glass products such as Solarban® solar control low-e and Sungate® passive low-e glasses in combination with clear, ultra-clear and performance-tinted glasses to maximize view while achieving specified levels of solar control (SHGC), insulating value (U-Value), reflectance and other characteristics.

Low-E Glasses


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LEED Credit: Acoustic Performance

LEED Points: Possible 1 point

Applicable Requirement: Sound Transmission

Vitro Solutions

Glass can influence the acoustical performance of doors, partitions, windows, skylights and vertical wall glazing systems. Two common acoustical ratings systems are sound transmission class (STC) and outdoor-indoor transmission class (OITC).
